Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sunday night (late, like 9 PM) I was settled in with my two oldest sons to watch an episode of "House" when I turned to my son and mentioned that he hadn't done a book report in a while and asked when the next one was due. He got that look that said, "Um, yeah, it is due tomorrow." I was NOT a happy camper. He pulled out the instructions and the book report required him to write a children's book version of the book he had read. Why, oh why can't they just write a report?!? In about an hour and a half (I was lecturing him for about 45 minutes of that) he wrote up the draft, downloaded some clip art and created his report using My Memories Suite, I thought it looked good for a last minute effort and he was able to complete it while I was lecturing him - very impressive. He came home on Monday he said his teacher was so impressed that she asked if she could keep it as a sample!! So much for for him learning not to put things off to the last minute.

PS: Do I get the mother of the year award for the best report or should I be guilt ridden that I didn't know that the report was due? In support of the guilt, Carter did have the due date of the report written very neatly in his calendar - if only someone had been looking at it!